Day-to-night conversion service is an example of an optical illusion or visual trick (sort of). This type of service involves taking a photo during the day and having it edited to appear as if it was taken at night. In essence, it can involve taking 2 pictures: a picture of a subject in a specific indoor setting during the day, and the same picture again at night.
The result is a real photo that can fool just about anyone into looking twice before they realize something is amiss in the pic. This trick works best if it’s taken in an area that doesn’t have street lights or other sources of light. Streetlights would give the entire picture away, so it’s best to either find a location that is naturally dark (like near, but not in front of a beach) or to just take the nighttime picture somewhere else entirely.
The most common use of a day to night conversion service would be within a marketing campaign for real estate. Real estate photo editing outsourcing can be the best way to approach the process. Imagine showing off a beach house during the day, and then revealing that the picture was actually taken at night. The idea of having an inside location looking like its outside is immediately more attractive to prospective buyers than just presenting them with pictures of the actual place where they could live.
Equipment needed for Day to Night Digital Conversions
The following are all necessary components for taking an excellent picture during both times of the day:
1. A good camera and a very steady hand
Some of these services will clean up your picture, but this process often creates a lot of unwanted noise. A good camera will ensure that the result is as clear as possible throughout the entire conversion process. You should have at least a mid-level DSLR with the ISO capable of shooting up to 3200 for daytime, and an SLR or high-end point-and-shoot camera for nighttime. The closer your subject is to one of these sources (the sun during the day, street lights/fixtures during the night), the higher the chance for a successful conversion.
A tripod is not entirely necessary, but it definitely helps your chances for success because of its ability to keep the camera steady.
2. The right editing software
While there are many expensive programs that will allow you to take just about any picture and turn it into a realistic nighttime view, some free tools can be used on any web browser. Good, free software for this would be ideal in such a case. It is very important that you have the requisite personnel who are able to use such services.
3. The right time of day
You don’t want to wait until it’s pitch black outside to take your daytime picture, and you don’t want to waste the entire night just trying to find a good location for your nighttime picture. The best time of day to take these pictures is around 3:30 – 4:00 pm or 11:00 pm – 12:00 am.
4. No unnatural lighting sources
A subject that has no unnatural lighting sources, and that stands out within its surroundings – this is important because you want the person who views your picture to be able to see your subject clear as day. Make sure that you can visually make out what it is, or test it out by showing a friend and asking if they could tell what was going on in the picture.
5. Related knowledge
The best pictures use the sun and the moon to represent lighting within the photo. The sun provides a steady, even light that can be used for daytime photos, while the moon creates a more unusual tone throughout your picture.
6. A note on land
If you decide to take pictures of any kind of land or building, make sure that there are no signs in the picture. The font on these signs will be incompatible with the rest of your picture and make it look totally out of place. –
7. A note on water
Water can create some interesting effects in pictures, but it’s best to avoid using too much because it can distract from your main subject to an extent where you’re unable to focus on any of the pictures.
If you’re looking for a more “magical” unique out-of-this-world unique effect, take your photo within or near an area that is known for its clear skies – like in certain areas where it’s always sunny. This will help give your photo the illusion of having been taken during the day.
Reasons why you should outsource your Day to Night Digital Conversions

1. Quality
Your business can’t afford to make mistakes in its visual communications, and it’s the quality of your digital files that ensures you don’t. Outsourcing image editing services brings you peace of mind in knowing that your images are in the best possible hands. Outsourcing your work to a good photo editing company would be the best bet here.
2. Professionalism
Because there are so many types of image editing services out there, you can choose one that best suits your needs. Having an expert in the field handle your images for you ensures that your customers will see quality work.
3. Time-Saving
Doing your own image editing is time-consuming. It’s tiring to have to worry about edits for hours on end when you should be doing more important things with that time. You can outsource your images and save yourself the hassle of editing them again later.
4. Increased Accuracy (and less chance for error)
When you aren’t doing the editing yourself, there is an increased chance that mistakes will be avoided. You can have absolute confidence that your image editing services are being done with precision because it’s in the hands of an expert.
5. Personalization
Outsourcing your image editing services enables personalization without the hassle. You can get the perfect look for your brand and know that it was done by an expert. Also, if there are any changes you want to be made, it’s easier to go back to the expert that worked with you on the original project.
6. Objectivity
Not only will an expert eye-catch things you may have missed, but having another person work on your images can give them a new perspective, which is especially helpful when you’re working with images that may be personally meaningful to you.
7. Variety
When you have someone on your team who is skilled at image editing services, it’s easier to diversify the services you offer. You can use this person for graphic design or even sales materials as well as images if that suits your needs.
8. Increased focus on your core business
When you aren’t having to spend time editing images, it’s easier for you to focus on your core business. You can improve your marketing efforts and get better results with less effort. Additionally, products that are not based on visual appearances, such as sound recordings or books, can have higher quality representations because of the increased focus.
9. Faster turnaround
When you outsource your image editing services, it’s easier to get things done quickly for your customers. This will help you do more work overall and increase your profits over time.
10. Expandability
Because your business can focus more clearly on other things, it’s easier for you to expand into new fields of work or even increase the volume of products you offer. You can offer other services ensuring that you are giving your customers the best possible experience for their needs.
11. No need to take equipment, software, and training for granted
Having the right equipment is important in any industry, but when you outsource your image editing services, it’s easier to assess whether or not you have what you need. Your equipment will always be at the newest state-of-the-art levels. Also, outsourcing allows your business to focus on training and using the best software tools to increase productivity.
Outsource Day to Night Digital Conversions – The best option
If you’re looking to grow your business, then it’s important that you have a strong online presence. You may not be able to do everything yourself, but if you outsource tasks like photo editing and graphic design services from someone who specializes in these things, the results will speak for themselves. The 10 reasons we’ve listed below should help give some additional perspective on why this is such an effective strategy. We know how hard it can be starting a new company or growing one when there are so many different responsibilities over which you must maintain control – outsourcing too might just make sense! What other advantages of using our service do you see?
If you want to outsource your work to a company specializing in day to dusk conversion services or digital photo enhancement services, then connect with the team of experts.
Top Questions Answered:
1. Why Choose PhotozWorld?
We are a professional photo editing company with over 15 years of experience. We have a team of highly skilled and talented photo editors who can handle any kind of photo editing or graphic design task.
2. What Services Do You Offer?
We offer a wide range of photo editing and graphic design services, including day to dusk conversion, digital photo enhancement, background removal, product retouching, image masking, and much more! Our service is the best in the business.
3. How PhotozWorld does Day to Dusk Conversion Services?
We use the best and the latest tools and software to convert day images into dusk. We also provide photo editing services for this task so that we can replace backgrounds.
4. What Image Resolution Do You Work With?
Day to dusk requires high-resolution images. Our team of photo editors can handle any kind of image size without compromising quality. We provide service at all resolutions.